“In his blue gardens men and girls came and went
like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
In June I was in Paris. I was also overseas for the first time in my
life (travelling around Europe) seeing iconic places, galleries, culture and
more which I'd only previously seen in books and films, and now it was
unbelievably real. Yet I was still pinching myself to the point of bruising,
especially when I first laid eyes on this beautiful, haunting, social
phenomenon which is known as Dîner en Blanc.
I was on my tour bus for the 'City Lights Tour' of Paris at dusk, going
through the chaotic, jammed-up traffic in the heart of the bustling city. As we
passed the chaos, we glided alongside the River Seine and there was this
apparition of thousands upon thousands of people dressed soulfully only in
There is something to be said about the power of colour theory and
emotion (as a fashion graduate), I can only summon adjectives that make me
sound like a new-age hippy, but in a word, all these people together, in white
really were: 'soulful'. It struck a chord with everyone on the bus, especially
the misty-eyed hopeless romantics like me who were just awe-struck and teary.
cameras madly clicking at this white sea of people but only capturing a blur of
white and candle light as they talked and laughed at their chic, white picnic
tables sharing wine and breaking bread with their loved ones.
I thought to
myself, “If I were a Parisian, I’d be there wholeheartedly.” And I think I must
have made a little wish in that moment, to be a part of that magic someday….
Flash forward 5 months and I’m back in Adelaide, sitting on the coach bus
with some of my best friends (who need recognition and gratitude for going
along with my eccentric and over enthusiastic pleading that we needed to
experience this for the bucket list! I love you guys, thankyou for agreeing to
support this fanatic), decked head to toe in white, even my shoes are white! (I
painted them white with glitter).
And we are packed and ready, travelling to a secret
destination we have only been speculating on its whereabouts. The beach? The
Barossa? Mount Lofty? Last year was the Adelaide Zoo... Where would you sum up
the heart of our city and culture?... Answer: In the literal heart of our fair
city, we were headed for Victoria Square! “The city seen from the Queensboro
Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of
all the mystery and the beauty in the world.”
―F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
I think I need to back track a bit here and explain what Dîner en Blanc is
and why we would get on a bus without knowing its destination first! Ok, so Dîner
en Blanc started in 1988, launched by François Pasquier in Paris. He wanted to
find his friends at a park for a picnic and suggested they all wear white to
find each other easily. The rest is history.
It grew every year and the
locations became more prestigious and eventually it spread overseas. On average
Paris hosts nearly 15,000 people each year. This is Adelaide’s second year,
hosting just over 900 people. 2500 have already signed up on the waiting list
for next year.
“Guests are brought together from diverse backgrounds by a love
of beauty and good taste. Thousands of people, dressed all in white, and
conducting themselves with the greatest decorum, elegance, and etiquette, all
meet for a mass “chic picnic” in a public space. Le Dîner en Blanc recalls the
elegance and glamour of court society, and diners engage one another knowing
they are taking part in a truly magical event.” – Dîner en Blanc Adelaide.
Once we arrived it was all systems go as hundreds of people began to alight
from the many coach buses, in a really organized, elegant fashion. Our lovely
leader Alice showed us where to set up our tables and chairs (we hired our
chairs, brought a fold-up picnic table and strapped them to a collapsible sack-truck.
Picnic crockery and food, etc. in large vintage picnic baskets).
We arrived at
7.30pm and were given a generous 45 minutes to set up and then once everyone
was ready the signal was given to wave our white napkins in the air to signify
it was time to eat and the picnic had officially begun! As part of the
guidelines, you needed to bring a three-course picnic dinner, real crockery and
cutlery and white cotton napkins.
(No plastic disposables!) This is for you.
Feel special. You deserve to treat yourself once in a while, ok! In a group of
four this was easy. One friend organized the antipasto, one friend did the main
and the other friend did the dessert. I decorated our table with a white
vintage bird cage, white roses, lots of battery-candles and silverware I’d
collected from op shops.
It was delicious and also really nice to see everybody enjoying their food
and laughing and smiling at this beautiful spectacle as the sun was starting to
set and the last golden rays of light made everyone in white seem to glow. You
felt special. Like you were getting married, except all the guests were too,
thus a mass feeling of fabulousness was felt and the fairy tale was real.
decorations were stunning, everything from vintage parasols, to giant LED
trees, to floral table pieces, giant roses, lights upon lights upon lights, it
almost felt like the Diwali festival of light in India… Which brings us to the
next part, my favourite part, the lighting of the sparklers to signify the
dining part had ended and now the dancing could begin!
All 900+ people were given a sparkler each and on the signal they were lit
up and what a sight! By now it was very dark, close to 9pm at night, and the
sparklers were a sea of radiant, warm, ecstatic light all around you! When you
stood up you could see it go on and on and on and the lights illuminated
everyone’s faces and all you could see were smiles and laughter and the
occasional smart phone selfie taking it all in!
People were in love with the
sheer beauty and romanticism of what their eyes beheld. You were seeing it yet
you were a part of it. As F. Scott Fitzgerald put it, “I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the
inexhaustible variety of life.” –The Great Gatsby. It was unforgettable.
There was a wonderful band playing
also, the singer had a great voice and did a fantastic cover of a Christina
Aguilera song from Burlesque. The DJ also put on a great variety of music from
different decades to suit our broad variety of guests of all ages, and I mean
all ages! I hope that when I’m of an older age I am still going to this!
Once the dance floor had opened up,
the rest of the night was beautifully cruisey. A great time to go have your
photo taken professionally, dance every time a favourite song came on (‘Shake
it Off’ by Taylor Swift – half the female population left their tables to
dance), keep eating and drinking and enjoy each other’s company.
“In his
blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and
the champagne and the stars.”
―F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
I somehow found the time to design
and sew my own fishtail skirt and wore a Butterfly headpiece I’d created years
ago, and surprisingly …I won the prize for ‘Best Dressed Female’!
(There were
also prizes for Best Table Decoration and Best Dressed Male, who I saw was in
the full white tux with a top hat and ruffle shirt!
Kudos to you, sir!
Considering it was quite a hot, balmy night!) –In our group we were having our
own competition for whose white clothes could stay cleanest the longest!
By 11.30pm, almost like the
Cinderella fairy-tale, we packed up our enchanted memories of this night, made
our way back onto the coach bus, and glided back into reality, wondering if
this had really happened, could it ever be imitated? How much was real? As we
smiled and wondered whether it was all not a dream? A dream I hope to have
again next year…
Thankyou to the Adelaide organisers,
team leaders and Every. Single. Person. Involved in making this a reality. I
wished for you in Paris. Thankyou for bringing the magic home to Adelaide.
Belinda xx
Instagram: @belinda_zanello_fashion
Source: http://adelaide.dinerenblanc.info/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DinerEnBlanc.Adelaide
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